I’ve been drawing all my life. Dr. Seuss books, Warner Bros. Cartoons, Mad Magazine and Classics Illustrated were a big influence. But I was not encouraged much. Many of my early works were confiscated by disturbed high school History or English teachers. And I had absolutely no commercial or entrepreneurial imagination. It never occurred to me that people actually got paid or even made a career out of drawing pictures. I got somewhat sidetracked by a formal education and subsequent career in the medical field.  I’ve published an annual Christmas card since the late 1970s. In the late 1980s I met an artist who allowed me to share her studio where I worked through many an inspired or misguided idea. We married, bought a house, and started having children. In 2010 I began going to a weekly life drawing session. I participated in the Dune drawing sessions at Café Racer from 2015 until they closed in 2020. Now, I mostly crank out drawings from my basement workshop. And I try to carry a sketchbook with me which I use occasionally. On rare occasion I publish a book or a greeting card or an Instagram post:
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